
Why You Need Garage Liability Insurance

Running your own garage or service center can be a dream come true. You get the pride of owning your business while doing work you love and making people’s lives better. You also get a lot of liability. Vehicles are high-value items, so repairing them comes with some risks. That’s why you need garage liability insurance.

How Coverage Helps You

In a garage, there are a lot of things that could go wrong. Every day you will have cars and trucks up on lifts, with workers below. That creates a lot of risk for your staff. Your employees are also working with combustible and sometimes hazardous materials.

You also need to protect against clients who may take issue with a repair job. Do you have coverage against a major claim? Garage liability insurance can help with all of this. 

Who Needs Coverage?

Anyone in charge of running an auto shop should look into getting garage liability insurance. One big accident or claim can be a big blow to an independent business, so make sure you’re covered. Car dealerships with service departments should also invest in garage insurance. This way, a problem in the garage doesn’t impact the rest of the company.

Getting the right insurance is an important part of successfully running any business, so make sure you’re covered.