
Staying Safe at Marinas in Warm Weather

Come spring and summer, marinas are exciting, dynamic, vibrant places. Whether for recreation, sports, commerce, or other needs, the marina is busy with life and ships traveling around. But with the excitement of the season comes the need to take certain precautions. After all, it is vital to practice warm weather safety for marinas, to ensure that your staff, clients, and business are not exposed to any unnecessary hazards.

What’s the Best Way To Be Safe at the Marina?

Depending on the size and scope of a given operation, warm weather safety for marinas might mean different things to different people. But in general, certain precautions can help keep everyone safe. These include:

  • Mandating life jackets at the marina
  • Ensuring people move around docks carefully, without running
  • Ensuring all children are supervised
  • Keeping staff, visitors, and clients aware of weather conditions
  • Preparing in advance for storms or otherwise inclement weather
  • Being sure that safety notices are posted widely and accessible, and having a plan in place in case an emergency develops

These steps can all help keep people safe at the marina. At the same time, having a comprehensive insurance program will help ensure that you are well-covered in the event of any incident.